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{Barbie News} Christmas Specials & Ferments of Joy

written by

Andi LaBrune

posted on

December 11, 2019

__Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas to you! Christmas bags are aplenty! Have you ordered yours yet? And who can resist the deliciousness of the season? So many cakes, pies, savory finger foods, and hearty meals made by friends and family. Can your tummy handle it all? Though we wish our bellies were made of iron, able to withstand any unnatural force made by mankind's convenience, unfortunately, our bellies are not, so bring on the ferments!

Water Kefir: What The Fizz??

grape water kefir

According to Healthline, water kefir is a probiotic beverage that has been linked to various health benefits, including improved immunity and even protection against certain types of cancer. Being that this is dairy-free and vegan-friendly, this fizzy beverage offers beneficial bacteria and yeast that will complement any meal that may give you some belly-burps. 

It's an easy take-along when visiting family and friends when you aren't sure of what the menu may entail. Plus, it's a great conversation starter! "What is this amazing drink that resembles soda, yet, makes me feel bubbly-high WITHOUT the sugar crash!?"

Oh, yes, do share the bubbly goodness! 

Start Slow & Steady


As delicious and thirst-quenching as water kefir is, when you are new to water kefir and to fermented foods in general, it's best to ONLY drink about 1/2 cup on your first day. Even though there is a flood of good bacteria aand probiotics awaiting to nourish your system, you only want to start with just a few in the begging. After all, if all 50 firefighters run into a burning building... either the building is going down waaay too fast, or the blazing fire will consume all the good guys and flare up even more. Sending in a few reinforcements a little at a time is the most effective way to gain control over a an out-of-control situation. 

Plus... it's more pleasurable to sip and enjoy than to gulp and ache! 

{Barbie News} 


Got {Raw} Milk? 



There's nothing more soothing than having bellies that don't ache, friends to celebrate with, and a season of deliciousness to enjoy with those you love the most. The Christmas Bags ($15) are completely new this season. It's a sweet sampling of the farm's products that you can feel really good about giving. It's the perfect gift for those you know you want to talk "health" about, but don't want to 'offend' them or seem like you are judging their unhealthy food choices. Give them a taste and let the food doing the talking for you!  

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